Author: <span>Bethan Mann</span>


Happy Holidays from the SSEF

Wishing all our incredible supporters and volunteers a very Merry Christmas and a joyful holiday season! Thank you for your invaluable help and dedication throughout 2024, which has made this year such a success for the SSEF. We truly appreciate your hard work and passion, and we look forward to collaborating with you in 2025 for another fantastic year.
Enjoy the festive season, and here’s to an exciting year ahead!


SSEF Mourns the Passing of CEO Anita Gale

SSEF are saddened to hear of the passing of Anita Gale, co-founder of ISSDC, over the weekend. Anita spent her career inspiring young people around the world to pursue careers in science and space, and helped countless young girls discover their potential in technical fields. Anita will be greatly missed and her legacy will continue to have a lasting impact on young people for years to come.

To read about her life, please click here



Santa on his satellite sleigh Uncategorized

Season’s Greetings

Season’s Greetings!

Approaching year’s end, we at the SSEF naturally think of you—our supporters and untiring fans.  Throughout 2021, you have  provided our programme with multiple gifts: passion for science, devotion to learning, donation of service, funding and time.

Thank you for helping to keep us in orbit!

Dr. Randall Stewart Perry, Founder
Space Science Engineering Foundation