Information for Parents

Information for Parents

This page is aimed at parents and carers of competing students. Information for students and supervisors can be found here. If you have any concerns not covered in this page, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.

Frequently Asked Questions

My child does not satisfy the age requirements. Can they still apply?

Students beyond Year 13 are not eligible to take part in the UK Space Design Competition. However, if demand for a university level competition is high enough, we may consider running an additional event for older students in the future. They can however support the competition as a volunteer.

Can I be kept informed about my child’s progress in the competition?

Yes. For the initial stages of the competition, students can add a contact email address to their team’s application form to which all essential competition materials will be forwarded. For students progressing on to the international phase of the event, this additional contact information will be compulsory.

Are parents and carers allowed to attend the competition?

We welcome parents and carers to the judging phase of the competition but will not be able to provide any degree of financial or practical support to these extra visitors. The design phase of the competition represents a unique opportunity for students to gain independence in a realistic working environment and, for this reason, we discourage (but do not prohibit) parents and carers from attending on this day. Please let us know if you plan to attend on either day so that appropriate identity cards can be provided.

What expenses may I be asked to cover as a parent?

The Space Science Engineering & Environmental Foundation work with host institutions to try to ensure catering at Regional Heats and Micro-Competitions is also provided. For students progressing on to the international phase of the competition, the Foundation can only cover the cost of international flights for UK participants. The International Space Settlement Design Competition will provide complimentary accommodation and food on international competition days. Any additional expenses (such accommodation and food for sightseeing days in America, travel insurance and ESTA costs) will be the responsibility of the team in question, but should not be substantial. The UK organising committee will offer as much practical assistance as possible.